May 28, 2010

Meet Me Half Way (Black Eyed Peas)

Here you have a song for the weekend. Enjoy it.

Some tips for the Oral exam

Here you have some tips to prepare your oral exam.

May 20, 2010

Webquest "A Long Weekend Abroad"

Today you have to do this webquest in pairs and send me the results!!!!

Present Perfect Revision

Here you have some links to review:
Explanation Present Perfect
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
If you have any questions you can email me. Have a nice day.

May 18, 2010

May 13, 2010


Go to this address to chat a while with Mike


Today's links to work in class:
First you have to write an email to your Californian epals. Then you have to make an avatar of yourself and send it to my mail
I hope you enjoy the class,

May 7, 2010

Unit 6

We have started Unit 6 and it is about Adventure Sports.
Remember the homework for Tuesday (11th/5/2010): Wb. p. 37 and Stb. p. 58.
Have a nice weekend,

May 3, 2010

Portfolio 2009/2010

This year the issue of the Portfolio has been "The Look" and here you can see the posters we have made in our English class about optical illusions.

English Test Unit 5

In unit 5 we have practiced the adjectives to describe personality (funny, nice, lazy, loud, shy, polite, sensitive, friendly...), so the first two exercises are about this vocabulary. In the third exercise you will have to practice the compareative forms (for example: Mallorca is bigger than Menorca). In exercise four you will have to use the superlative form and also the suitable adjective. Then you will have to complete a text using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective according to the context. In exercise sixth you will have to use "too" and "enough". Then you will have to complete a dialogue asking for the point of view (e.g. "What do you think of...?). Finally, there is a listening about brothers and sisters.
Remember that you have to give me the written composition the day of the exam.
If you have any doubts you can contact me:
Good luck.

May 1, 2010

Interactive Book (Comparative Forms)

Here you have an Interactive Book by Mrs Haquet to review comparative forms especially from page 10.